

来自游戏人生 wiki
wikia:ngnl>Aphisa2019年6月24日 (一) 02:36的版本

帆楼 (帆楼[1], Horō),狐疑之神,是机凯种的创造者,她是世界上第一个也就是最古老的生命体,她是第一个自我拥有意识的神灵种。在轻小说 单行本78,她从巫女体内产生。目前她自称为神灵种全权代理人,但是不能确定这是否意味着她可以拥有种族棋子。




She always carries with her a purple and blue spherical object with her that has an ornate paintbrush sticking out of it, possibly to hold all of her scrolls.


She is quite naive and curious about the outside world and likes to frequently ask Sora questions, and gets along with him quite well. Because she stayed in Miko's body for so long, she seems to not be familiar with the world around her, and she reveals to Sora that her only memories are those of Miko's. When asked a question, she tends to reply back with another question.

She seems to have a preference for writing on scrolls, as in her appearance she is surrounded by all of her colorful scrolls and holding a paintbrush. The spherical object she carries seems to emphasize this.

Due to being the God of Doubt and Trust, she doubted her own existence.

She was forced to become an idol by Sora and Shiro, which implies that she has some singing and dancing talent. However, she doesn't like it and doesn't understand why she has to do this.

On a technicality, Horou forfeited the game with Sora, Shiro, and company because of the respect she held for the two being able to figure out the entire game in only a few moments before she was finished explaining. Although, she does point out later after being questioned by Ino that she also knew there was no point in continuing since she knew she was cornered.


Due to being an Old Deus, she is extraordinarily powerful. Horou is also known to be the creator of the 10th ranked exceed of Ex-Machina; to answer her many questions about the world.


As the God of Doubt, there are many things that make her uncertain, causing her to frequently question her own and other's actions.


  • Doubt and trust, the seemingly conflicting concept which Horou represents, might originate from the story of the tree of good and evil, where humans have sinned with the ability to identifies good and evil, which marks them sentiments and capable of doubt and trust.
  • Horou is a name given to her by Sora and Shiro, as she had no name prior.
  • Her name comes from the word "hollow".


  1. 帆楼的日文与中文相同


en:Horou pl:Horou ru:Холо
