

来自游戏人生 wiki

布拉姆 (プラム, Puramu) 是吸血种最后的男性、王子,也是吸血种的全权代理人。他和莱拉生活在奥仙德,后来向寻求帮助,请求他们从灭绝的危机中拯救他的种族。

在轻小说第四卷中,『      』伊纲还有吉普莉尔发现了布拉姆,当时他们以为布拉姆是个快要饿死的吸血种女孩。他请求他们给他灵魂[1]以免被饿死。但吉普莉尔说被吸血种咬到的人会和吸血种一样,彼此的灵魂产生混合,导致染上“特殊疾病”。就在无路可走之时,吉普莉尔又提到体液中同样含有不同浓度的灵魂,仅次于血液的便是精液。然而因为伊纲的在场空的计划没能得逞,最后白通过让布拉姆舔她的脚吸收汗水的办法帮助了他。布拉姆说他喜欢白汗水的味道。吉普莉尔解释这是因为空白的灵魂强韧、强烈、极为稀少而又独特高洁,就算找遍这个世界也并不多见。伊纲也说空白的灵魂没有污染的味道,不令人讨厌。在解决了温饱的问题之后,布拉姆请求他们拯救他的种族。







和其他吸血种一样,布拉姆非常擅长用魔法制造幻象,以改变他人的认知。He's also capable of creating a love potion so strong that it could pass as real love, something that neither Elves nor Flugels have been capable of despite their magical prowess over the other life form races of the Exceed. He is also good at shapeshifting, as he transformed into a scarf that gave Sora and Shiro the capability to fly during their game against the Flügel. This transformation has its own merits, as mostly Elves are the only ones who can use more than two spells at the same time.

He was able to fool a Flugel and a Phantasma using his Deception Spell after consuming a very little amount of blood from Sora. He even brags that at his maximum capacities, he could even fool an Old Deus (although he could have been exaggerating).

He proved himself a very capable strategist, having fooled even Sora and Shiro in his true gender for a while. He was almost able to manipulate the events of Light Novel Volume 4 & 5 into a win-win situation where if Sora and Shiro beat Laira's game, the Dhampirs thereby are able to feed on Imanity who now shoulder the responsibilities of the Seirens. If Sora and Shiro lost, then Plum would simply state that it was an offering of food for the Seirens and could possibly allow the Dhampirs to feed as well.

It is revealed that he can easily overwhelm Feel Nirvalen over magic despite the elf being a high-level magic caster by completely disable her means to use magic via illusion.


Like all Dhampirs, Plum will die when exposed to the sun's rays. He can combat this by utilizing magic to block out the sun's rays. However, it takes a large amount of energy to maintain and thus is better for him to use it while in a dark area (a wooden box for the case of going to the beach with the main characters in Light Novel Volume 4) to lessen the amount of energy required to maintain the spell.

Ever since tasting Shiro's sweat, Plum has had a taste for the siblings' soul essence to the point of it being somewhat of an addiction. As such, the siblings often used it as a means of bargaining with Plum to aid them on their journey. Without a steady supply of soul essence, it is difficult for a Dhampir to maintain a spell, rite, illusion, or form by shapeshifting. This is shown when Sora and Shiro are falling due to Plum running out of energy and telling the siblings that there is no sweat remaining on either of them. This prompts Sora to find a solution that allowed Plum to lick an open wound, thereby bypassing the curse with no repercussions. This is what allowed Plum to fool Azriel for a few moments, and continue flying during the game.


  • It is unknown how old Plum is. However, since Dhampirs cannot mature to adulthood without feeding on blood but can still live by consuming Soul Essence, it can be assumed that he is older than he looks, despite being considered as very young.


  1. 译注:此处原文为Soul Essence


de:Plum pl:Plum ru:Плюм
