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出自遊戲人生 wiki
(重新導向自Six Pledges


誓約[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 【一】任何人都不能殺人
  2. 【二】不可以讓任何人死
  3. 【三】不可以讓任何人發覺
  4. 【四】任何手段都不是作弊
  5. 【五】不需理會那些傢伙的規則
  6. 【六】違反上述的一切均視為敗北


  1. You must not kill, the heart does not wish for murder.
  2. You must not let anyone die, the heart does not want anyone to die.
  3. You must not let anyone discover you, if we are discovered we are dead.
  4. No tactic is off limits, not even a sly trick should be considered dirty.
  5. Those guys' rules mean nothing to us, the heart doesn't give two shits about their bloody contest.
  6. Break any of these rules and you lose. The heart gains nothing from a victory where violence is a principle.

  1. 【一つ】誰も殺してはならない
  2. 【二つ】誰も死なせてはならない
  3. 【三つ】誰にも悟られてはならない
  4. 【四つ】如何なる手も不正ではない
  5. 【五つ】奴らのルールなど知ったことではない
  6. 【六つ】上記に違反する一切は、敗北とする

  1. [Hitotsu] Dare mo koroshite wa naranai
  2. [Futatsu] Dare mo shinasete wa naranai
  3. [Mittsu] Dare ni mo satorarete wa naranai
  4. [Yottsu] Ikanaru te mo fusei dewa nai
  5. [Itsutsu] Yatsu-ra no rūru nado shitta koto dewa nai
  6. [Muttsu] Jōki ni ihan-suru issai wa haiboku to suru

en:Six Pledges pl:Sześć Zasad

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