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随着时光流逝,兄妹二人开始了两人的生活。空说到“自称时父母的人已经不存在了” ,暗示他们的父母抛弃了他们。“这表示今后我们两人也是在一起啦”他对妹妹作出了这样的回答。就是从那时起,他们两人以他们的名字空和白命名了一个共有账号『  』(空白),从此开始了网络游戏世界的冒险。空不断地随机应变,想出一个又一个妹妹根本想象不了的新奇策略。但之后,白通过计算得出的严谨而又精确的推论远远超出了空的预期。从那时起,兄妹二人开始合二为一对游戏世界发起挑战。凭借不断取得的连胜,他们甚至在网上被称为是不败的都市传说。
As time elapsed, the siblings began to live together. Sora mentioned that "those that were called their parents were no longer present," implying that their parents abandoned them. He mouthed out such words to his little sister in reply, "Meh, from now on, it's just you and me then." From that point onward, with their names joined together, they started to play online games. Conjoining the two names: Sora (Sky or Empty) and Shiro (White), [[『 』]] was created. One after another, he kept coming up with strange, adaptable strategies that even his step-sister herself could not imagine. But then, the precise and accurate deductions that Shiro calculated out had far exceeded the expectations of Sora. At that time, the siblings started to play games as a Two in One. With an unbroken streak of victories, the two of them even came to be regarded as an urban legend on the Internet.
Upon defeating the self-proclaimed One True God on an internet Chess match, they were transported into another world. This was a world where everything was determined by games, restrained by a force known as the [[Ten Oaths]]—— the world known as [[Disboard]].
In Volume 3, Chapter 1, Page 6 of the light novel, after Chlammy is defeated by Sora and gains his memories, she exclaimed "How can you remain sane after all [These Experiences]!?" suggesting that he had suffered greatly during his childhood, in which result in violence that Sora blames himself for it. The author wrote that it was something that not even Shiro was aware of.

於 2019年4月29日 (一) 06:41 的修訂

((そら), Sora)遊戲人生No Game No Life系列最主要的角色之一。

一個被父母拋棄的無敵NEET(死宅),和自己同父異母的妹妹遨遊在電子遊戲世界,自稱『  』(空白)。 他經歷了坎坷的童年,對現實社會深深的仇恨着,於是將自己埋沒在電子海洋中,直到有一天和自稱為特圖的唯一神進行了一場國際象棋比賽並勝利,被傳送到異世界。 空的親生父親與白的親生母親再婚後(空不知情),使白和空成為兄妹。









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空非常在乎白。他對白有着絕對的信任,在動畫第9集或者說輕小說單行本3第一章與克拉米她們的遊戲中,對空最重要的兩樣東西第一是白的一切,第二是對白的信任。空和白一樣,他們是一個整體,必須時刻相伴,一旦不在一個房間內便會感到恐慌。不過這並不能阻止他和其他女孩(主要是史蒂芬妮·多拉)打情罵俏。 此外,經證實,他有變態的傾向。



隨着時光流逝,兄妹二人開始了兩人的生活。空說到「自稱時父母的人已經不存在了」 ,暗示他們的父母拋棄了他們。「這表示今後我們兩人也是在一起啦」他對妹妹作出了這樣的回答。就是從那時起,他們兩人以他們的名字空和白命名了一個共有賬號『  』(空白),從此開始了網絡遊戲世界的冒險。空不斷地隨機應變,想出一個又一個妹妹根本想象不了的新奇策略。但之後,白通過計算得出的嚴謹而又精確的推論遠遠超出了空的預期。從那時起,兄妹二人開始合二為一對遊戲世界發起挑戰。憑藉不斷取得的連勝,他們甚至在網上被稱為是不敗的都市傳說。


In Volume 3, Chapter 1, Page 6 of the light novel, after Chlammy is defeated by Sora and gains his memories, she exclaimed "How can you remain sane after all [These Experiences]!?" suggesting that he had suffered greatly during his childhood, in which result in violence that Sora blames himself for it. The author wrote that it was something that not even Shiro was aware of.


People will only truly fight for what is right. And there is only one thing that truly right in this world! The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is... "CUTENESS"! Cuteness makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!
—Sora to Kurami (and audience), Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 3
Imanity... since the beginning of the『 Ten Oaths 』has had continuous failures due to the predicament of not having war, and we are now left with our last city & country. Why has this happened?! Was it because the previous king failed? Or was it because we are ranked 16th? Or was it because we are unable to wield magic? Or was it because we are the most inferior race? Does this mean we are fated to walk the path of our destruction?!—sorry but all of those answers are wrong!...Is it then because our race is violent?! Or is it because we specialize in war!?...No! The reason why we were able to fight and survive is because we are weak!
—Sora to all of Imanity, Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 4
Because of our weakness, we trained our eyes, ears and the ability to think. Learning how to survive, that's our trait as humans! The human species can't use magic and can't even perceive it—but because we are weak, we have the wisdom to run away from magic and the intelligence to see through it! We don't have any extraordinary senses. But because we are weak, by learning and gaining experience, we gained the wisdom to achieve the unachievable—to predict the future...Rejoice! We are humans; we are the most talented people! Precisely because we were born without any ability, we can achieve anything. This is the will of the weakest race!
—Sora to all of Imanity, Light Novel Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 4
Meh, from now on, it's just you and me then.
—Sora to Shiro, Light Novel Volume 3, Prologue
There is no way to know the rules, or the goal, yet there are 7 billion players making whatever moves they want. If you lose too much, or win too much, there are penalties. You can't pass your turn, and if you talk too much, you'll be ostracized. There are no parameters and no way to even know the genre. This world is just... a crappy game.
—Anime, Episode 1
This is what your grandfather believed in...Your grandfather was right to believe in Imanity. Now no one will call him a fool.
—Sora to Steph, Anime, Episode 4
They say people can change, but is that really true? If they decide they want to fly, will they grow wings? I don’t think so. You don’t change yourself. You change how you do things. You have to make your own way. You have to create a way to fly, even while you stay the same.
—Sora to Shiro, Anime, Episode 9
『Checkmate’ doesn’t mean you’ve simply cornered the enemy king. It's a declaration that the enemy king is yours.
—Sora to Izuna, Ino, and Miko
When's the last time you thought a game was fun?
—Sora to Izuna
There's no observer who are more trusted than someone who suspects you.
—Sora to Steph


  • The kanji for (Sora) means sky in Japanese, but can also be read as (Kara) which means emptiness, as pointed out by Shiro in during their first encounter.
  • Sora and Shiro's surname was said to be "Nai" by the author.[1]This can be interpreted that their surname is literally Nai or that they have no surname, as Nai (ない) in Japanese means none. It can also be interpreted as a joke, because when combined with their first name, Nai Sora (ない空) means "not empty" or "not Sora."
  • From every Anime-Character that exists, a poll on Charapedia ranked him in the Top 5 of the most intelligent Anime-Characters.
  • The averages statistics of his most favorite characters from erotic entertainment are as following: Age: 12.344, Three sizes: 77.2, 59.873, 78.23. Of them, 61.1% are younger, 48.4% are little sisters, and those with big boobs are just 3.2%[2].


  1. Translated from Twitter post by author
  2. Volume 7, Chapter 3


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