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第1行: 第1行:
|Image = Hatsuse Izuna.png
|Image = <gallery>
Hatsuse Izuna.png|动画
Izuna Desu Transparent.png|的说!
|Kanji = 初瀬 いづな
|Kanji = 初瀬 いづな
|Romanji = Hatsuse Izuna
|Romanji = Hatsuse Izuna
|Race = [[Werebeast]]
|Race = [[兽人种]]
|Gender = Female
|Gender =
|Age = 8
|Age = 8
|Hair Color = Dark purple with orange at the tips (LN)<br/>Dark periwinkle purple (anime)
|Hair Color = 发梢紫色并略带橙色(轻小说)<br/>深紫罗兰色(动画)
|Eye Color = Chestnut <small>(anime)</small><br/>Black <small>(light novel)</small>
|Eye Color = 栗色 <small>(动画)</small><br/>黑色 <small>(轻小说)</small>
|Height = 3'9" <small>(118cm)</small>
<!-- Professional information -->
|Status = Alive
|Status = 存活
|Affiliation = [[Eastern Union]]
|Affiliation = [[东部联合]]
|Occupation = Ambassador to Elchea <small>(former)</small>
|Occupation = 驻艾尔奇亚大使<small>(曾任)</small>
|Family = [[Hatsuse Ino]] <small>(grandfather)</small><br/>
|Family = [[初濑伊野]] <small>(祖父)</small><br/>
Unnamed biological grandmother and parents<br/>
Over 29 non-biological grandmothers<br/>
Unnamed paternal relatives
|Allies = [[Sora]] and [[Shiro]]
|Allies = [[]][[]]
|Light Novel = [[Light Novel Volume 2]]
|Light Novel = [[轻小说 第二卷]]
|Anime = [[Episode 8]]
|Anime = [[Episode 8|第八集]]
|Japanese Voice Actor = [[wikipedia:Miyuki Sawashiro|Sawashiro Miyuki]]
|Japanese Voice Actor = [[wikipedia:Miyuki Sawashiro|泽城美雪]]
|English Voice Actor = [[wikipedia:Kira Vincent-Davis|Kira Vincent-Davis]]}}
|English Voice Actor = [[wikipedia:Kira Vincent-Davis|Kira Vincent-Davis]]}}
{{Translation|初濑伊纲|初瀬 いずな|Hatsuse Izuna}}是一名曾经作为代表与[[人类种]]进行过竞赛的[[兽人种]]女孩,在[[空]]和[[白]]统合[[艾尔奇亚联邦]]后,[[巫女]]指派她跟随空白并向他们学习。 空和白十分喜欢像抚摸宠物一样抚摸她(尤其是尾巴),这导致[[初濑伊野|她的祖父]]十分嫉妒。史蒂芬妮发现其实伊纲与空白有很多相似之处,例如不通世俗、傲慢无礼、耍小聪明以及擅长游戏。

{{Translation|Hatsuse Izuna|初瀬 いずな|Hatsuse Izuna}} is a [[Werebeast]] girl and the former ambassador of the Werebeast race to [[Imanity]]. After [[Sora]] and [[Shiro]] forced the werebeasts to join the [[Elchea Federation]], Izuna was directed by [[Miko]] to follow and learn from them. Sora and [[Shiro]] have a habit of petting her fur (tail) yet she seems to enjoy it (much to the chagrin of her [[Hatsuse Ino|grandfather]]). [[Stephanie Dola|Stephanie]] has noted that she actually shares similarities to Sora and Shiro, such as lacking common sense, being arrogant towards others, and being extremely smart and competent at gaming.


Similar to other werebeasts, Izuna has a combination of animal and human traits, with her having fox-like ears and a fluffy tail. She has dark purple hair and chestnut eyes (black hair and black eyes in the light novel). Her pupils are vertically slitted, similar to those of a cat.

When Izuna uses her "Blood Destruction" ability, she grows a longer tail, and all fur from her body turns red. She also has a red symbol on her forehead.


She is adored by Sora and Shiro for being extremely cute, and they love petting her fur. Likewise, Izuna seems to share the same fondness towards them and enjoys being petted. She even mentions once that she prefers the siblings' petting techniques over her grandfather, Hatsuse Ino. The younger trio would develop a sibling-like tie. She is still learning the Imanity language and has a habit of saying "Desu" (please/thank you in dubbed anime) after everything in an attempt to make it sound more polite.

[[轻小说 第四卷]]里,不得不接受爷爷被当作弃子一事的伊纲强压下了自己的难过,却因为史蒂芬妮的爆发而哭出了声,终究还是感性占了上风。伊纲很努力,听话,识大局,有着过人的天赋,但终究还是个孩子。
She mostly exhibits an innocent personality pertaining to her age yet is very competent at playing games to the point of representing the Werebeasts in national games against other races. In the English translated light novels and anime, she has a habit of unknowingly cursing without actually knowing what the words mean.

Before meeting Shiro and Sora, she never had fun in games, as she was trained to win, not to seek enjoyment.


She possesses all the incredible physical abilities found in all werebeasts as well as the rare "kekkai" ability (aka '[[Blood Destruction]]') found in a select few werebeast individuals (although she is only able to remain in that form for only a few seconds before she risks death).

She has the ability to learn at an amazing rate if what she is learning is game-related as in the case of learning to read the Imanity language from a game book overnight while [[Stephanie Dola|Stephanie]] slept (still limited in speaking the language however).


Despite being considered "mature" among the Werebeasts at the age of eight, she is still naive in adult-related subjects.
* 据透露,伊纲是众多兄弟姐妹中唯一继承血坏的个体。
* 事实上伊纲有父母,而且有时与他们一起住在某住宅区,她的祖父每天都会去看望他们。自从发现伊纲是血坏个体之后,她就被带离父母身边,作为国家中坚战力接受培训。

* It was revealed that among Izuna's numerous sibings and relatives (Offsprings of her grandfather and 30 "grandmothers".), Izuna was the only one who inherited Kekkai from Ino.
* She lived with her parents in a residential area, with her grandfather visiting her daily.

[[en:Hatsuse Izuna]]
[[es:Izuna Hatsuse]]
[[es:Izuna Hatsuse]]
[[fr:Hatsuse Izuna]]
[[fr:Hatsuse Izuna]]
[[pl:Izuna Hatsuse]]
[[pl:Izuna Hatsuse]]
[[ru:Изуна Хатсусе]]
[[ru:Изуна Хатсусе]]


於 2024年3月31日 (日) 11:47 的最新修訂

初瀨伊綱 (初瀬 いずな, Hatsuse Izuna)是一名曾經作為代表與人類種進行過競賽的獸人種女孩,在統合艾爾奇亞聯邦後,巫女指派她跟隨空白並向他們學習。 空和白十分喜歡像撫摸寵物一樣撫摸她(尤其是尾巴),這導致她的祖父十分嫉妒。史蒂芬妮發現其實伊綱與空白有很多相似之處,例如不通世俗、傲慢無禮、耍小聰明以及擅長遊戲。

外貌[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]



人格[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]





輕小說 第四卷里,不得不接受爺爺被當作棄子一事的伊綱強壓下了自己的難過,卻因為史蒂芬妮的爆發而哭出了聲,終究還是感性占了上風。伊綱很努力,聽話,識大局,有着過人的天賦,但終究還是個孩子。

能力[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]



弱點[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]



瑣事[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • 據透露,伊綱是眾多兄弟姐妹中唯一繼承血壞的個體。
  • 事實上伊綱有父母,而且有時與他們一起住在某住宅區,她的祖父每天都會去看望他們。自從發現伊綱是血壞個體之後,她就被帶離父母身邊,作為國家中堅戰力接受培訓。



  1. 參考就是遊戲人生!單行本1

en:Hatsuse Izuna es:Izuna Hatsuse fr:Hatsuse Izuna pl:Izuna Hatsuse ru:Изуна Хатсусе

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