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[[File:Imanitygo book.png|thumb|250px|Imanity-go in a fancier font]]
[[File:Imanitygo book.png|thumb|250px|Imanity-go in a fancier font]]
[[File:Kurumi.png|thumb|250px|[[Chlammy Zell|Chlammy]]'s hand of cards in Imanity-go numbers]]
[[File:Kurumi.png|thumb|250px|[[Chlammy Zell|Chlammy]]'s hand of cards in Imanity-go numbers]]
{{Translation|人类种语|人類種語|Furigana = イマニティご|Imaniti go}} 是[[人类种]]的语言。人类语在口语上和日语一样,但在书面上不同。 人类语在动画中于第二集首次出现。[[白]]在不到二十分钟的时间内就学会了这门语言,而[[空]]则表示他需要一个多小时。
{{Translation|Imanity-go|人類種語|Furigana = イマニティご|Imaniti go}} or the [[Imanity]] language is the language spoken by the Imanity which, orally, is the same as Japanese but different in writing. It first appears in [[Episode 02|Episode 2]]. [[Shiro]] learned the language in less than twenty minutes, while [[Sora]] said he would take about an hour more.

The anime language is described to be almost identical to Japanese, as it is pronounced the same but with different characters for hiragana. Imanity-go in the light novels is different, using Latin grammar and Ancient Chinese syntax.<ref>[[Light Novel Volume 1]]: Chapter 2, Part 3</ref>Imanity-go's numbers are in [[wikipedia:simple:Base (mathematics)#Numbers in different bases|base 6]].
动画把这门语言表现得和日语几乎一模一样, 它们的发音完全相同,但人类种语使用和假名不同的字母。而在轻小说中人类种语则完全不同,它使用了拉丁字母和古汉语的语法。<ref>[[Light Novel Volume 1]]: Chapter 2, Part 3</ref>人类种语使用[[wikipedia:simple:Base (mathematics)#Numbers in different bases|六进制]]

* A video on how to decipher Imanity-go was released by fans. ([http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23416445 See here.])
* 有粉丝制作了破解人类种语的视频([http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23416445 看这儿])。
* 尽管从技术上讲,这仅仅是(日式)汉字的另一种写法,游戏人生制作组还是为了动画中不过几分钟的展示而创造了完整的人类种语的书面语。
* While its technically just an alternate way to write kanji, the No Game No Life team created an entire written language just for the few moments that it is displayed in the anime.


於 2019年7月27日 (六) 14:38 的修訂

白正在看人類語的書(Episode 2
Imanity-go in a fancier font
Chlammy's hand of cards in Imanity-go numbers

人類種語 (人類種語(イマニティご), Imaniti go)人類種的語言。人類語在口語上和日語一樣,但在書面上不同。 人類語在動畫中於第二集首次出現。在不到二十分鐘的時間內就學會了這門語言,而則表示他需要一個多小時。

動畫把這門語言表現得和日語幾乎一模一樣, 它們的發音完全相同,但人類種語使用和假名不同的字母。而在輕小說中人類種語則完全不同,它使用了拉丁字母和古漢語的語法。[1]人類種語使用六進制


  • 有粉絲製作了破解人類種語的視頻(看這兒)。
  • 儘管從技術上講,這僅僅是(日式)漢字的另一種寫法,遊戲人生製作組還是為了動畫中不過幾分鐘的展示而創造了完整的人類種語的書面語。


  • 字母:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • 數字:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


  1. Light Novel Volume 1: Chapter 2, Part 3


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